Deze foto’s wil je zien: dit stel kreeg een eeneiige vierling

29.06.2020 12:22
foto's stel eeneiige vierling Beeld: Shutterstock

Als je onverwachts twee baby’s op de echo ziet in plaats van één, ben je in schok. Laat staan als het er viér zijn, zoals dit Amerikaanse stel overkwam. En dan zijn ze ook nog eens identiek.

Op foto’s die moeder Jenny op haar Instagram plaatste, is te zien dat ze een enorme buik had op het einde van haar zwangerschap:


“Oh my gosh Becky look at her bump!” # bumpdate day. 27 weeks and 4 days with 5 weeks and 3 days to go! So Friday we had our growth check up and we are rocking it people! I mean absolutely doing perfect. Fluid levels are great, blood flow is awesome, cervix is thick, and our boys are growing on track. Current weights are A. 2.5 lbs B.2.1 lbs C. 2.4 lbs D. 2.7 lbs that is 9 lbs of babies in my belly! I am so proud of them for sharing and growing so well together #oneplacentafourbabies overall I am feeling great! I’m still able to get out for walks with #Zeke I’m able to cook a few times a week, and I’ve been able to keep working. God is truly making a miracle happen within me with these little babes. Sunday’s are my swollen face days so I’ve cropped two pics to bare you the laughs. If you zoom in on my ankles you can see the lovely swelling lines of my boots. Lol! Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. It makes a difference when going through something like this. #marrquads #themarrthemerrier #identicalquads #identicalquadruplets #identicalquadrupletboys #highriskpregnancy #pregnancyjournal #swollenankles #boymom

Een bericht gedeeld door Jenny Marr (@themarrthemerrier) op



Ze wist dat ze door haar meerlingzwangerschap de 40 weken niet zou gaan halen, maar toen ze met 28 weken al weeën kreeg, was dat wel erg vroeg. Gelukkig kwamen de jongens kerngezond ter wereld en hadden ze vanaf het eerste moment geen extra zuurstof nodig.

Lees ook:
Portretten: moeders met een meerling >


Hoe ze heten? Op een rijtje: Harrison, Hardy, Hudson en Henry.


Happy Easter from our family to yours! Our sweet little bunnies were made possible today with the help of a bunch of our amazing nurses today. Everyone stepped into get adorable pictures as quickly as possible so our little guys wouldn’t get cold. Our first family holiday together. Praise Jesus and his everlasting gift to us. We are an incredibly blessed family for so many reasons. The boys health is a praise we thank Him for everyday. Note: Yes our masks are off for a picture. It was quick and I’m pretty sure we didn’t breathe at all with them off. #themarrthemerrier #marrquads #nicunursesrock #quadgoals #preemiebunnies #babybunnies #babybirds #happyeaster #heisrisen @todayshow @todayparents

Een bericht gedeeld door Jenny Marr (@themarrthemerrier) op


Naar huis

Sinds een aantal weken, na een tijd in het ziekenhuis te hebben gelegen om aan te sterken, zijn de jongens thuis. De foto’s die hun moeder op haar Insta plaatst zijn hartverwarmend:


Oh my #babybirds you make this #mommabird smile ear to ear. We were able to get some matching outfit pictures thanks to our wonderful friends @thriftygal48 and @brandikreppel and our one month pictures thanks to @hollyspray for the blanket. Our #nicu nurses are just the best and are always so incredibly helpful with my crazy picture taking. Hardy decided to help Henry out by giving him his fingers to suck on during the last few photos. The boys are doing excellent and all but Hudson are on room temperature air and no longer needing a heated bed. They are maintaining body temperature! This is amazing. We all had successful bottle feeds again today making mom and dad very proud. #marrquads #themarrthemerrier #nicuninjas #hudsonperry #henrywilliam #hardysmith #harrisonfoy #nicubabies #preemiebabies #identicalquadruplets #identicalquadrupletboys #newbornjourney

Een bericht gedeeld door Jenny Marr (@themarrthemerrier) op



The baby birds are 40 weeks….full-term babies today. I always knew they would come before 40 weeks, but 28 weeks was so early. I struggled the day I went into labor that it was too early and they might not be okay. Well they are thriving! I’m so happy that they came early it just means we’ve had that much more time with them. That much more time to see them grow and develop their adorable personalities. Harrison, Hardy, Henry, and Hudson you make my world go round. You’re the best thing we have ever done in our life! #themarrthemerrier #marrquads #quadsquad #brothers #lifewithmultiples #quadmom #identicalboys #identicalquadruplets #identicalquadrupletboys #fullterm #fulltermbaby #preemiebaby #oldnavy #40weeks #fullgestation #matchingoutfits #identicalbrothers

Een bericht gedeeld door Jenny Marr (@themarrthemerrier) op



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