5x geniale vragen die alleen kinderen kunnen stellen
We weten allemaal dat een kind je de wereld weer op een heel andere manier laat bekijken. Zeker als ze slimme – en hilarische – vragen stellen, zoals deze.
Eigen schuld
My son asked me for a watch today, and I said, “Why do you need a watch?”
— Rainbow Rowell (@rainbowrowell) February 11, 2019
And he said, “So that I don’t have to hear you say, ‘Time to get a watch’ every time I want to know what time it is.”
Heel snugger
I just recalled the time my daughter asked if sand was called sand because it was halfway between ‘sea’ and ‘land’.
— Gareth L Powell (@garethlpowell) January 21, 2019
Lees ook:
Deze vrouwen weten wel hoe ze hun man voor de gek moeten houden >
Nog even leren tellen
My kid asked me how old he was when he was three
— Josh (@iwearaonesie) March 4, 2018
Be kind to everyone you meet. You never know what they’re going through
Y’all my daughter asked why we grow hair on our private parts and I was like “idk baby that’s a good question” & she sits on my bed dead serious & goes “maybe it was just God adding little details” ??????????????
— Steeze Urkel (@D0llywood) May 17, 2020
Slip of the tongue
My son asked me why I was wearing sunglasses in the house and I told him “to block the son.” Now I have to pay for therapy.
— Conan O’Brien (@ConanOBrien) May 11, 2018
Bron: Buzzfeed
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