Deze kinderen zijn hun ouders te slim af
Soms weet je kind iets heel slims te verzinnen, waardoor jij ’t nakijken hebt.
Kijk maar naar deze grappige inzendingen van ouders, die te zien zijn op Buzzfeed.
Eet smakelijk
6yo: I need to fart
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) January 20, 2016
Me: No, we’re eating
6yo: Ok, I’ll just hold it in with my hand
6yo: It didn’t work
Alles naar wens?
Me: “You guys treat me like I’m some waitress.”
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) February 26, 2018
Son, whispering to daughter: “Well, there goes her tip.”
Beter jong geleerd…
Just caught my 9yo forging my signature on a school paper. He’s going to be a blast as a teenager.
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) October 24, 2018
Zindelijk, of toch nog niet
Me [walking into bathroom]: GET IN HERE.
— Rodney Lacroix (@moooooog35) October 17, 2018
Son: Why?
Me: There is pee everywhere. How do you do this? Clean this up.
Son: Ok.
[2 mins later]
Son: Where’s the plunger?
Me: Why?
Son: [pointing at 15 paper towels he tried to flush]
Me: From now on you have to pee outside.
Lees ook:
8x hét bewijs dat kinderen veel slimmer zijn dan wij >
Me: I’m only going to ask you to clean this mess up ONE more time.
— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) October 6, 2018
6-year-old: That’s good. I was tired of hearing you ask.
Nét als je het niet meer op kunt houden
If you’ve ever walked around your house & thought to yourself, “I wish there was a way for all the toilets to be unflushed all the time,” I highly recommend having children.
— Unfiltered Mama (@UnfilteredMama) November 7, 2018
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