6x het bewijs dat ouders ook wel eens een verkeerde inschatting maken

01.08.2019 08:57
fotoserie ouder verkeerde inschatting

Ouders hebben de beste bedoelingen voor hun kind. Maar dat ze soms spijt hebben van hun keuzes, bewijzen deze hilarische foto’s van BuzzFeed:

Voortaan toch wat eerder legen


Volgende verjaardag misschien een keer geen Lego?


Lees ook:
Fotoserie: Deze kinderen hebben spijt >


Ja schat, je kunt prachtig tekenen…


Those who know me, know I am counting down days until Baby3 makes his appearance. Doctors have said he will be coming when I hit 39 weeks, given my medical history. So, two weeks, if my body can hold out that long. As I prepare for his arrival, I am also putting final touches on, and submitting, pieces for various publications for which I write. As I e-mailed editors with pieces today, and gingerly walked around because of hip issues due to the rainy, cold weather we are having, I noted a silence from the two year old. I thought she had hidden to fill her diaper. Joke was on me! But, I can’t get mad at her. I can only be deeply grateful it was a whiteboard marker, and I have spare Magic Erasers on hand. But, apparently, it is Monday! The back and arm rubs the 2 year old gave me, in addition to the kisses on the cheek, more than made up for any disgruntled thoughts I may have initially entertained. Instead of being angry with her, I could only be disappointed in my lack of supervision of her, and could only appreciate her little attempts to make me happier as I scrubbed the door and wall. Where will you find beauty in your circumstances today? #bctgp #momblogger #catholicblogger #beautyintheday #catholicmom #countingdownthedays #childsplay #momlife #besuspiciousofquiettoddlers #neveradullmoment #alwayswaiting #sleepwithyoureyesopen #parenthood #parenting #parentfail #shewonthebattle #momwillwinthewar

Een bericht gedeeld door Anni Harry (@beautifulcamouflagedmess) op


En met de schaar ben je ook al heel handig


Oops, Papa seems to do better with #strategy than with @wahlpro kit. #dadfail wrong grade. #oops

Een bericht gedeeld door Dan Gold (@dangoldmedia) op


Sorry, net even verkeerd ingeschat


Maar het kan erger…




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